Frank Schneegans, Redesigning Services, Germany

Frank Schneegans, Redesigning Services, Germany

It is more than essential to know the borders of potentials in a company, when we redesign the portfolio of service companies. The clarity that we gain from ValueMatch assessments of the culture as well as the value systems of the stakeholders we have so much more accuracy in choosing the projects of development. That saves precious energy in the discussions, as a common ground becomes obvious in a short time.

Most surprisingly the participants create a consensus quite quick yet they haven´t had that clear picture of that common ground before. My approach focuses on the inner energy of the customer system and it creates a great resonance and clarity for my customers. Thus they attract the clients they can serve by their authentic strengths.

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Edwin Holwerda, SDi Lead Synnervate, the Netherlands

Edwin Holwerda, SDi Lead Synnervate, the Netherlands

The use of the ValueMatch instruments enables us to map the undercurrent (drives and culture) and ‘invisible’ processes in organizations and within teams in an accessible way. The ValueMatch profiles allow us to engage in a deep-level conversation with others on topics such as values, communication, cooperation, strategy, leadership and culture. For us, as the official Dutch SDi certification institute, the ValueMatch instruments have been an invaluable addition to bringing Spiral Dynamics to the attention of a large group of people. In addition, it is important to us that ValueMatch has developed profiles that are in line with the essence and the original evolutionary character of the SDi approach.

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Hal Bagley - Elevate2Lead - USA

Hal Bagley - Elevate2Lead - USA

The ValueMatch instruments allow us to quickly identify and prioritize the cultural and structural issues we should address in the workshops we do conduct with our customers. Without the instruments our workshops take more time to get to the point.

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Dr. Rasa Katilienė, coach & lecturer, Vilnius, Lithuania

Dr. Rasa Katilienė, coach & lecturer, Vilnius, Lithuania

This ValueMatch Certification program really made me aware of how this unique values-based model could benefit people toward a new experience of organizational and personal empowerment. Time spent in the training gave me a chance to learn how theory can be applied in real-world settings, to interact with others and to explore its applicability to individual and organizational development through a human systems lens. I am grateful to the ValueMatch trainers for sharing their huge knowledge and experience.

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Hanno Burmester

Hanno Burmester

ValueMatch enables the teams I work with to reflect and speak on a level of high complexity in a fairly short span of time. As a plus, it fosters a developmental mindset, which contributes to a adaptive attitude and culture.

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Martin Malley, Principal, Shrinking Borders LLC, USA

Martin Malley, Principal, Shrinking Borders LLC, USA

My leadership development and coaching practices are focused on equipping leaders to function effectively in a changing world.  The ValueMatch instruments are perfectly calibrated to open the eyes of participants to the impact of differing value systems on workplace culture, individual performance, effective communications strategies and driving change.  Every time I use them in a seminar or individual coaching setting I hear responses like: “I never understood why people acted the way they do until learning this”, “I wish I had been aware of this information earlier in my career” or “I now know how to speak more effectively to my team/relatives/friends”.  The reports are clear and concise, and my clients seem to grasp the information quickly.

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Five4Success, Germany

Five4Success, Germany

Organisationskultur mag nach Außen vielleicht ein Gesamtbild zu ergeben. Bei differenzierter Betrachtung jedoch, unterscheiden sich einzelne Bereiche erheblich in ihren handlungsleitenden Prinzipien. Value Match ermöglicht diesen differenzierten Blick und erleichtert damit Kohäsion und Kooperation im gesamten Unternehmen. Value Match ist ein praktikables Modell, um persönliche Arbeits- und Denkmuster zu beleuchten. Doch was wirklich Butter aufs Brot persönlicher Entwicklung schmiert, ist die klare Darstellung der Werte, die wir bei uns selbst und anderen ablehnen oder abwerten. Damit ist Value Match ein bewusstes Mittel, um menschlich und zwischenmenschlich zu reifen.

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Hans Ruijs, HR Training & Consulting GmbH, Zwitserland

Hans Ruijs, HR Training & Consulting GmbH, Zwitserland

With ValueMatch, I now have an instrument for my clients to help them map the culture of their organization and individual views on cooperation and leadership. In addition, ValueMatch research provides valuable clues and orientation about which developments emerge at individual, team and/or organizational levels.

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Heleen de Ruijter, Heleen de Ruijter development & training, the Netherlands

Heleen de Ruijter, Heleen de Ruijter development & training, the Netherlands

I use ValueMatch, for example, at the start of team coaching to gain insight into the underlying dynamics. The resulting team profile gives a clear view of what is happening and makes it possible to choose effective interventions. High quality professional profiles for a reasonable price. In addition, user feedback is used as the basis for continuous development.

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Jonathan Dover - Integral View - UK

Jonathan Dover - Integral View - UK

I first came across ValueMatch’s work after travelling to Switzerland to undertake the 'spiral dynamics experience'. It was a fantastic, fun and enjoyable training that was very professionally set up and held. This event included a ValueMatch online spiral dynamics assessment, similar to others I had taken before. However, I found ValueMatch’s tools offered more breadth of view and more precision. I realised how useful this was personally and how it would translate into much greater efficiencies and effectiveness for the often challenging territory of organisational change. This led me to join the certification training and I now really appreciate having access to the excellent ValueMatch resource as part of my offer.

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Jurjen Pieters, JPBI Jurjen Pieters Concious Implementations, the Netherlands

Jurjen Pieters, JPBI Jurjen Pieters Concious Implementations, the Netherlands

I use ValueMatch's instruments at the start of team and individual coaching to create awareness (and by doing so also understanding) to the fact that everyone views the world through their own colored glasses (value system) and acts accordingly. Each value system has its strengths and its pitfalls. From this awareness we can then determine how we can use everyone's strength optimally and manage the pitfalls. I am extremely satisfied with the instruments, their accessibility and the expert support available, along with the passion and creative talents of ValueMatch.

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